Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Review Baviphat-lemon brightening sleeping pack/mask

Hello guys, I’m gonna do a review on lemon brightening sleeping pack from baviphat skin care line~
As everyonhe would love. I love the cute packaging. Aside of anything, this package is just unique

This product contains lemonextreacts (as it’s label). And for centuries lemon was believed to brightening or whitening your skin. So, I was feeling generous to try.
This is a sleeping pack, some kind of mask, but u just use it before sleep time, and leave it until u wake up in the morning and wash it up with either warm or luke warm water, I usually rinse it off with luke-warm water first, and rinse it again with cold water, to slose up your pores of course =)

The lemon fragrance spreading out nicely when I opened up the product =9, it is very nice, which I cannot tell is it from real lemon extracts, or just a made-fragrance. Dunno. The smell is good~

The product is rich, and not creamy. It is more a lot like…essentializer or an emulsion side combined with a tiny bit creamy texture. I usually didn’t like to put a lot of it. I just use a little bit to my face, the go off to the bed and have some beauty sleep. It’s a little bit sticky, but if u leave it for a moment, it would change like just when u were masked by the tiny layer of jelly or somewhat like that.

It is very shiny, yeah. When you use it, it’d be like that too on the face~
I haven’t see the result just yet, I’ve been using this product for awhile now, truthfully I’m just using this as moisturizer at night when it is extremely cold, so at least this product can protect my face from such weather. I don’t even bother about the brightening or whitening function anymore, because my face is already have a whiteish-pale tone. So, it might be clearer result for you who had a darker skin tone to try out this product, and is it really work the best or not~

My rating: 3.5/5
Repurchase: 2.7/5 (I’d like to try another line of sleeping pack/mask skin care next time)

Thanks for reading, good luck and take care~!

Author : Deasy

6 komentar:

  1. wah dari dulu kepengen nyoba sleeping pack tapi klo buat kulit kuning langsat n cenderung oily kayak aq cocok ga ya? takutny jerawatan >,<


    1. klo menurut sy sleeping pack lebih cocok dipake u/ kulit yg cenderung kering ya sis..dan rata2 bikin muka makin berminyak di pagi hari buat yang kulitnya cenderung oily..T.T (Kebetulan sy juga sama2 oily)
      Saran sy sih kalau masih mw coba sleeping pack lebih baik pilih yg bertekstur gel aja,ga creamy2 dan ga mengandung oil..jadi ga begitu lengket & mengurangi efek oily di pagi hari.. :D

  2. try Laneige water bank sleeping pack sist, gak membuat kulit berminyak keesokan pagi na kok

    1. iya sis.. katanya itu bagus tapi ada yg bilang juga sama2 bikin oily.. :(

  3. aku udah nyoba wsp nya laneigne, enak kok, gak bikin oily, malah jadi gak oily pas paginya, nendang bgd pokoknya, tapi sekarang kok udah biasa2 aja ya hehe

    1. oh iya sis? sy juga pengen coba sih..lain kali dicoba deh.. ^^
      thank you udh mampir dan share disini.. ^^
