Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Review Etude House Princess Etoinette Crystal Shine Lips PK002

Hai2.. Udah lama ga ngereview produk gr2 sakit & liburan,akhirnya hari ini gw niat juga nulis review..hwhwhw.. i'm so sorry..

Produk yang mw gw review hari ini adalah lip product lagi (lagi). Belakangan ini memang gw tergila2 ngumpulin lip produk. Cari2 warna yang pas di gw dan cari yang bentuknya lucu2. hohohoho
Para pencinta produk kosmetik korea pasti udah tau tentang betapa lucu dan elegannya line produk etude satu ini. Limited edition Princess Etoinette. Mulai dari powder,blusher,highlighter,lipstick,eyeliner,sabun,kaca dan sisirnya semua dibuat berkesan princess.Untuk kali ini gw cuma mw nyobain lipstick nya aja karena untuk powder,blusher dan highlighternya memang agak sayang kalau dibeli cuma gara2 seneng tempatnya (mahal di desain produk).

Dimulai dari packagingnya yang berkesan mewah dan elegan. Walaupun berkesan elegan packagingnya tetap menggunakan bahan plastik di bagian luarnya.( jadi inget maenan pelengkap barbie dulu). Kesannya agak mirip produk2 dari Jill Stuart dengan harga yang lebih affordable. Kalau tidak salah line produk ini didesain oleh orang Perancis.

Sedangkan untuk warna gw pilih PK002. Entah apa yang ada di benak gw waktu pilih warna ini. Jujur gw salah pilih warna untuk lipstick satu ini. Pink dengan tone lbh keungu-unguan agak ga cocok untuk gw. Harusnya gw pilih warna yang lebih oranye kaya POR201. :((

Dari pigmentasinya bisa dibilang lipstick ini dibanding dengan lipstick etude lainnya warnanya lebih sheer tapi masih bisa diatur agar lebih keliatan warnanya.

Untuk teksturnya gw lumayan suka. Creamy tapi ga lengket. Melembabkan bibir juga dan gw betah pake ini lama2,ga kaya beberapa lipstick yang gw langsung hapus karena lengket dan berat di bibir. 

Sorry agak buram. :(

Wangi lipstick ini mirip salah satu wangi bunga,tapi gw lupa bunga apa. Menurut gw sih wanginya enak ya,ga bikin eneg dan ga begitu menyengat.
Lipstick ini ga begitu tahan lama. Gampang ilang kalau minum atau makan,klo ga minum atau makan juga kadang2 suka kehapus gr2 kesentuh tangan. :(

Kesimpulannya :

(+) Packagingnya super elegan
(+) Melembabkan
(+) Wanginya ga bikin mual.Wangi bunga
(+) Ga gampang ancur atau potong
(+) Ga lengket

(-) Warnanya ga cocok di gw walaupun itu warna natural sehari2 dan ga ngejreng.
(-) Agak sheer dan harus diaplikasikan beberapa kali.
(-) Ga tahan lama


Sekian review dari gw. Nanti malem mungkin gw buat review masker My Beauty Diary. :)

- Soojung -

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Review Innisfree Eco Natural Green Tea BB cream SPF 29 PA++

Today, I’m gonna have a review on my updated-favorited bb cream. I got this last November, I couldn’t remember what else things did I bought that time, since it is so much a lot things that I bought. XD

So all bb cream that I have use till now is:
Trouble bb cream innisfreeà bb cream (matte) misshaàBB magic cream etude houseàBB cream all day strong etude houseà innisfree green tea bb cream.

It says with a green tea ingredients from Jeju Island, and 100% natural origin. Innisfree product is the first brand that I looove so much ♥. No wonder, the first cosmetics I ever use as bb cream is innisfree brand. My other partner Soojung like this brand too. I bought it with shade #1 light beige.

I was too curious, so at the very first time the package arrive at my house, immediately I try to swatch it on my hand. The fragrant was OK. Afterall, I didn’t really mentioned about the fragrance, since I don’t have any allergic on any fragrance, and just focussed on the product itself. (I guess all my bb cream have a slight same fragrance, it is cometic-likeish fragrace) But I must say I like the fragrance added into this bb cream.Like somewhat green-tea minty~

My first thought on this product, that it’ll be hard to spread on since it has some kind of matte finish, and dried up fast than my missha bb cream. And it gives a skin beige finish (yeayy! At last, it is not pinky finish againnn~(^3^)~)  since I got my first bb cream with super pinky finish (since I pile it a lot too). But actually I still like it. The very first bb cream has healed my complexion on my skin a lot.

This bb cream also great without using powder to set it off with. I’m using it nowadays, and just be careful to spread well enough, since if it doesn’t spread well, u might find your face kinda cracked on area around mouth for example. Just put a little bit. Little by little.

But I had kinda bad experience toward this product. The content is leaked out so easily. Well, no wonder since the tube itself is like this, and when crampled in my bags full of things like books, etc. It leaked out, but not out from the cap itself. *fiuh*

At least I must pay attention where to put it in my puch so it wouldn’t crampled by another things I put in my bag.

My ratings: 4.5/5
Repuchase: maybe. Since I got really hard time to choose what’s right for my face.

P.S. maybe I should use this with nymph aura volumer to emphasize it.

That is for now, thank you for reading~
God Bless.


Review Missha BB Cream (Matte) SPF 20 PA++

I bought this around last year, and I bought it from Missha Counter, and it cost me like crazy.>__<
I really want to try out this babe back then, but didn’t find it in any online shop. All what I was finding is perfect cover bb cream-missha. I would love to try that. But eventually, it cost me higher. *gasp* But today, u could get it for more cheaper! *envy* 6(>,<)~
Okay, at least I get the real-authentic, and original product.

So this is one of bb cream that I could use without set it off with some powder.
Yes, indeed I always use this whenever I was about to have a short walk outside. Like goin into the mart to buy something to eat, or just go into the Church for 2-3 hours. I afraid there is no shade for this bb cream.just one typical shade like this.

I love it’s strong coverage. I was having a super breakouts last year, and super acne scar too, that make me very insecure, and that’s why I pick missha bb cream, since it is well known about it’s strong coverage and complexion. And this bb cream also good for sensitive skin (said from it’s tube). But don’t get the wrong idea here. Back then, I used a lot pile into my face as possible to cover everthing else, and it make me look…terrible. So this product actually great when u didn’t take a very big amount on your face and pile it up a lot. Since I have less breakout and less acne scar visible, I can use it more..humanly..more..naturally, and it looks just great on me. \(^v^)/ *huarray for the skin recovery~

Actually I use this one after my first bb cream- Innisfree trouble bb cream (the packaging was in pink) and then I use BB magic cream-etude house.

So, yeah, truth to be told. I always trying to find the cosmetics (like bb cream) that was healthy on my skin, have some consistency that could help derived me from my sensitive skin. So if u pay attention to all my used bb cream ‘till now. It’s all (at least) have an ingredients that help me to recover things and prevent bad things to my sensitive skin.

I found this bb cream OK to be used without a powder to set. Has a kind of pinky finish, but not too visible, since It’ll eventually blend into your skin. Will looks whiteish pale if u use it way too much like I did in my old days (amateur to make up things XP) Was proved on my sensitive-dry skin. ( I found this bb cream great for dry type skin ^^, and by times, it gives glowy effect if u don’t put powder on top of it, but actually I was kinda afraid to use it on without powder for  >3-4 hours outside)

My ratings: 4/5
*I’m kinda confusing when I must rating all those reviewed products though, But I’m sincerely trying..>_<

That’s all my opinion through this missha bb cream, all results might be considered different to everyone, since we all tend to have different skin type and things, but since it is used on top of my sensitive-dry skin. At least it could guarantee the savety. I guess. Hehehe..*sorry if I blabbering too much*

Have a nice day everyone.
Stay  still
And God Bless^^



Etude House Princess etoinette Crystal shine lips PK002
Neutrogena Deep Clean Eye & Lip Make up Remover
My Beauty Diary Apple Polyphenol Mask

Review BB Magic cream SPF 30 PA++ from Etude House.

Konnichiwa minna-san^^
Today I’m gonna have a little bit review of my bb cream that I’ve been used a lot since I know it at the very first time.

So this bb cream is called:
BB Magic cream SPF 30 PA++ from Etude House.
I got this last February from my sister.

I’m sorry I lost the package on the outside, but this is a lil pic of this baby~^^ 9iht has not shade)

I must admit.. I loveeeeeeeeee this!!!!! I love the hygenic package too..
This bb cream give me a very-super natural finish. Do I sound too much?
But truly, this is a great bb cream, IF u have a great perfect powder to set it off.
I used this bb cream with my Dream On Powder-Etude house #2 Natural Beige.
When I used this bb cream with that powder. It really dreams on my skin so wonderfully~

But then, there is time when I run out of my loose powder (Dream On loose powder). And that would mean disaster. Since the bb cream itself kind of orange-like. *But it is perfected with that (match) powder I could get.*
When I use it with my palgantong powder make up. It is very orangeee finish. I looked awful. And so that’s why I’ve been not using it ‘till I got the perfect loose powder. Why didn’t I just repuchase the very same loose powder then, u say? It’s because I want to try various loose powder. >__< But once in a meanwhile, I’ll try to get this very same exact loose powder to finish up this product~ =D

Again, this is the time when I finally realized. Set up with a great powder is essential too for overall complexion on your face.

So natural finish
Porcelain finish

Need a super match powder to perfect it out

My ratings: 4.5/5
Repurchasing: not really, (again) I am far awayyy more curious to using any other bb cream out there~ \(^o^)/