Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Premium eye Kit review from skinfood (Black Raspberry, Royal Honey, Platinum Grape Cell Eye Cream Review)

Premium eye Kit from skinfood

Hello lovelies~^^ how was your day? I’m on my holiday now, just chill out and relax at lovely palace (a.k.a my homw sweet home).

Today I’m gonna have review on some eye creams from skinfood. Yes, some. XD
Since I bought a gift-sample. This should be used for gift but actually I bought it for myself since it is quite affordable than to buy one whole full product. Eye cream is expensive..(T^T) but we need it. For some prevention of wrinkles or even to treat our dark circles maybe?

I found one site that even said we should be starting using eye cream when we’re aroun 16 years old. When I saw it I’m like: “What? Am I late? Oh no!!”

So here is: the first one are: (7 ml each)

Black raspberry Eye Cream (Wrinkle care)
My first thought of it was it’s smell. It’s smell kinda strong and you might be not like it very much since the smell doesn’t as sweet as floral or anything. It smell just like wild-raspberry.

Royal Honey Eye Cream (Anti-wrinkle effect)
So apparently this is my favorite from all those three. Since it didn’t have strong fragrance. But it does have sweet and soft smell from it

Platinum Grape Cell Eye Cream (Skin-brightening and Anto-wrinkle effects)
I’ve tried this first than the other two. Since it was said to give many benefit to my skin around the eyes.

I’m still try to looking for great eyecream that suits me the best. Since too much rich consistency of eye cream could make a small pimple or white-heads around your thin layer skin around of your eyes, even that would heal really fast, I don’t like to see something like that around my eyes. XP

They had quite similar consistency, the product is subtle creamy, smooth, and quite tender than eye cream I ever used ‘till now.

Until now I find my wrinkle stop eye cream from face shop is eye cream that suited for me the best. I f you had another eye cream that is works really well for anti wrinkle and skin brightening, yet affordable, please let me know~thanks in advance ^^

Rating 4/5
Repurchase: no. I wanna try another eye cream ^^

 Until next time then~^^

-    Daisy –

5 komentar:

  1. how about jinyul eye cream from history of whoo? have you tried it?? so far, I only use my grape seed oil for my eye cream but I wanna try skinfood or etude eye creams...

    tfs ya sis

    1. hi sis.. ^^
      kebetulan kita belum pernah coba history of whoo.. ^^

  2. berhasilkah yang grape utk wrinkle say???
    salam kenal yaa

    1. hi jg sis~^^ krn produk ini msh berupa sample aq belum bisa jamin krn pemakaianny jg cm sbtr sis~jd mungkin butuh wkt buat melihat hasil aktualny..klo sis trtarik nanti aq coba yg full jar-ny biar bisa dibuat reviewny lg ya sis~skrg lg mencoba full jar-ny raspberry wrinkle eye cream..reviewny ditunggu yah sis..😊 thanks for visiting our blog~

      - Daisy -

  3. okee sisss
    d tunggu ya reviewnyaaa yg raspberry :)
