BRTC Blemish Restore
Hello guys, it’s me
again. How’s your weekend? I was so busy because of tight schedule of this
semester. I’m sorry it’s kinda late to post review on our blog..m(_ _)m
So right now I’m
gonna do some review to this new baby. BRTC Blemish Restore Serum. I had acne
prone skin type, moreover, sensitive skin. Whatever goes well with my skin,
goes well to for SooJung, but not on the opposite side. (TT^TT)
This Serum was believe
-help renewal spots,
-for whitening dull
scars and
-for improving
damaged skin by irritations and stress
So here I am, quite
doubtful and thoughtful about acne treatment series, It’s a very important
matter to me. In consideration of my sensitive skin too. So I pick this product
which was well known for their acne treatment series.
My skin was really
damaged since I had my cystic acne on 2011. I have lots of acne on my cheek. I
was really doomed. So it’s been 2 years after I got acne issues, and even so,
there are still some scars left, and there’s some possibilities that there
would born a new acne on the very same place on my face. So there I am using
this product to help me out to fix my skin tone. I recommend you to using
Blemish Serum if you still have some or lots of cystic acne, but for my case, I’d
prefer to use this BRTC Blemsih Restore Serum, since it is called ‘restore’,
and since I am on my way to fix my skin surface,and get my healthy flawless
skin again. *hopefully**pray* >,<)
*sorry the pict kinda blurred out here* m(_ _)m the lighting was quite not good recently
The package was
quite sturdy with glass, I always be careful when use this, because I afraid
that my hand would loose and make the product fall (since it is quite expensive
for 30 ml product). The consistency of this product is rich. It’s water
consistency but at the very same time also quite dense with a little bit blue
transparent colour. When this applied to my skin, it’s kinda sticky on the
first time, but goes on, it absorbed well into my skin quite fast (of course
since it is serum-product). It has kinda minty scent, which is I think it’ll do
good for my skin. (minty scented-product are usually good for acne treatmentàmy personal
opinion) The fragrant quite strong If I could say, it may be not for you if you
had some allergic into some scented or fragrant product.
You may also know
this, usually acne treatment series would make your skin dry. That’s why I
choose serum. Because at the same time it gives you pleasant moisture and treat
your acne/pimples too.
this product. This product really did an absolutely great job to my skin. I’m
gonna use it as my daily skin care for sure. But this baby is kinda pricey,
which is kinda sad for me…>__<’)
All I can feel is
only the positive (PRO'S) things.
The only (CON'S) thing that I could feel is
just the price. Just the price really.
So that I could guarantee the goodness
of this product to all of you who are suffering with scars and upcoming acne
(since this product seems to prevent new acne to pop up) to improve skin texture,
brighten skintone, and to restore smoothness
to skin problems. My skin get a whole lot better
after I use this baby, my skin texture are repaired nicely and give smoothness
to my skin *yeay!!* (since I was used to pop and pick my pimples all the way on
my cheek, so it damaged my skin surfaces TT_TT)
your skin surfaces are damaged, the make up couldn’t goes perfectly to your
skin too.
Rating: 5/5
Repurchase: Of
course! ( I must stack a lot of money to buy this first)
*I’m gonna let it in
as my daily skin care basis for now*
- Daisy -
Hai sis, good review nih sis. Ak lg mw coba pesen jg. So far gmn sis perkembangan pake ini? Oke ga buat healing acne scar?
BalasHapushai sis~^^ thx for visiting us..
Hapusampuh bgt sis..
terutama buat memperbaiki tesktur kulit yg kasar dan agak keras krn jerawat yg dlu timbul.. butuh waktu juga sis utk bekas jrwt yg membandel~^^
recommended bgt sis klo mw beli~^^
- daisy -
Hai sis, thank you buat balasan nya. Ak lg mw order ni sis. Huaaa oke ya ini produk? Kalo buat bekas jerawat yg merah2 ampuh jg ga sai? Ga bikin breakout kan ya? Pake ny pagi malam ya sai? Abs cuci muka + toner, trus pake ini ya? Di tepok2 gt ya? Makasihhh yaaa ud review ini...
Hapusia sis~aq pny kulit kering yg sensitive sm acne prone..
Hapusyg buat merah" jg bisa say~^^ bekasny jd memudar kecoklatan gitu pertama" nanti mkin lama makin pudar..
aq pakeny malem aj biasany say~^^
ia benerr..abis cuci toner..trus pk serum..ditepuk" jg cukup~^^ satu-2 tetes produk jg bs bwt seluruh wjh say~^^
you're very welcome's our pleasure If we could be a help to you~^^
- Daisy -
Morning sis. Huaaa.. Thanks ya dah dibales terus pertanyaan2 ak sis.. Oke2, ak senin me order ni sis. Trus ni kalo dah di buka, taro di kulkas apa di tmpt biasa aja sai? Km ud pake brp lama sai? Ud keliatan hasil yg signifikan ga buat bekas jerawat?
HapusMisalnya lg d rmh, pake pagi malam jg bisa kan ya? Ak lg bete bgt sm bekas jerawat merah2 ak sis, apalagi ak white pale gt.jd ketara bgt. Km ada rekomen concealer ga sis yg oke, n aman buat kulit acne prone? Thankssss bgt sis!! 「ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ~~♥♥」
Morning sis. Huaaa.. Thanks ya dah dibales terus pertanyaan2 ak sis.. Oke2, ak senin me order ni sis. Trus ni kalo dah di buka, taro di kulkas apa di tmpt biasa aja sai? Km ud pake brp lama sai? Ud keliatan hasil yg signifikan ga buat bekas jerawat?
BalasHapusMisalnya lg d rmh, pake pagi malam jg bisa kan ya? Ak lg bete bgt sm bekas jerawat merah2 ak sis, apalagi ak white pale gt.jd ketara bgt. Km ada rekomen concealer ga sis yg oke, n aman buat kulit acne prone? Thankssss bgt sis!! 「ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ~~♥♥」
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.
Hapusyou're welcome sis~^^
Hapusaq pribadi ga masukin ke kulkas sih sis..soalny consistency-ny agak kental jg..jd mungkin cocoknya di suhu normal ruangan sis~^^ tp boleh cb aj sis klo misalnya mau masukin k kulkas..syp tau pas pakeny jd lebih sejuk dimuka~^^
ia sama sis..kulit aq jg cenderung white-pale-sensitive-acne prone...concealer aq pakenya missha concealer sis~^^ hasilny natural ud bikin reviewny sis~
cm emg klo utk nutupin noda membandel ga gitu sempurna bisa di build-up klo di lapis sedikit demi sedikit..semoga membantu yaa..Good luck sayy ��
sis mau tanya bedanya sama BRTC Vitalizer C 10 Ampoule apa? aku baru pernah coba yang vitalizer doank..memudarkan jerawat sih tapi kok ini kayaknya lebih mantab ya..aku bingung deh bedanya dimana? btw beli dmn n harga brp sis? tq ya
BalasHapuscc aq kebetulan pake brtc vitalizer ampoule itu sis..n emg tujuan dan fungsi utamany buat mencerahkan kulit wajah..jd klo ad bekas jrwt bisa trsamarkan juga sis pake itu..
Hapuscuman bedanya klo brtc restore serum ini lbh khusus buat fungsiny ke jerawat sekaligus mencegah jerawat baru..n memperbaiki jaringan kulit yg rusak krn jerawat yg timbul..
hrgny +/- 250 idr say~^^
di ol-shop jg ada emg brtc lbh jarang ditemui seller-ny dibanding produk drugstore korea lainnya~
you're very welcome sis^^
- daisy -
waw ini kayaknya bagus bgt >.< btw sis dulu jerawatan ya? T_T
BalasHapuscara buat jerawatnya lebih mendingan pake skincare korea/indo? >.<
Hi sista~^^ ia sis, dlu aku jerawatan banget, sampe sekarang juga bekasnya masih ada. Tergantung kulit sis. Kalo selama ini sis nyaman-nyaman aja pake skincare dr Indo, go ahead~tapi emang karena kulit ak sensitif, sangat mesti hati hati pilih produk, salah salah anti-acne product malah bisa bikin kulit aku semakin teriritasi, skin care Indo masih ada penggunaan paraben untuk anti acne-ny sis kebanyakan, makanya aku pilih skin care korea yang kebanyakan sudah no-paraben^^
HapusHelo sis, I recently use this product.. How many time u put on this product daily? How long u use to see the results?tq