Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Review The Face shop wrinkle stop eye cream (30 ml)

So this time, I’m gonna review the face shop wrinkle stop eye cream.
Remember in my last review I said that I’d love to try another kind of eye cream..?
Now I did it ^^.
I’m using eyecream since 1 year ago, and fell in love with it.
Nope. I don’t have any wrinkles part or anything. But prevention is everything, right?

It said it countains backryuncho extracts. It is called a cactus mostly indigenous to Jeju Island. Meaning one hundred year plant.

I like the consistency on it. Could say, the consistency for this cream is more mild, and creamy than my avocado eye cream-skin food. I love it both, but the cream consistency on avocado eyecream seems a little bit ‘thicker’ which is really not too easy to do application beneath your under eyes.

As you can see from the photo, it is more, ‘dewy’ what should I call it..? Shimmery-like mean it more supple and moisturizes.

It comes with a, kind-a-spoon-like. And I don’t use it. Maybe I would use it if I’ve reached the bottom part of this eye cream.
I remember saw this beforhand and the jar was like square-like-glasses. But I don’t have any idea the package would turn out to be like this. Since I felt it is smaller than the old version package.

Being honest. It is a little bit pricey than the avocado eye cream-skinfood. But I like this facehow wrinkle stop eye cream more. It said can cure your fine lines on your eyes. But, I’ll recommend to use this than the avocado eye cream skinfood if u have any fine lines. But, if u just going for an affordable eye cream with moisturizing effect. I suggest the avocado eye cream one^^

My ratings 5/5

Have fun ladies, good luck and thank you for reading~

- Daisy -

Tony Moly backstage gel eyeliner (black) Review and Comparison with Holika-holika Jewel Light waterproof eyeliner (black and white)

Hellow againguys, I’ll be reviewing on this tiny gorgeous yet affordable product. Iloveeeeeee ♥ eyeliner. Ibarely use eyeshadows these times around. I would use them to maintain theeyeliner (before and after the application of eyeliner) so it’ll stays long andwell. I know this lovely product from korean youtube guru. Since
the mostimportant cosmetics for me is bb cream, and eyeliner. I’ll browse more to findout about bb cream an eyeliner often~

I must say,however great the brand is, however great the consistency, truth is, u can’t goaway with the eyeliner being smudged and things. (Sebagus apapun eyeliner pastiluntur and smudge). But I find this eyeliner less smudge. And *ehem* I didn’tuse any eye primer, so, yeah, I was looking for one who could stand alone on myeyes beautifully.

I had to do somecomparison with my other eyeliner I had. It is Holika-holika jewel lightwaterproof eyeliner.

Holika-Holika Jewellight eyeliner (+)
  • -         It didn’tsmudge! At all! I remember using It a very tiny bit on my lids, and it stays sowell

  • -         Really easyto bring in with, easy to glide it on.
  • -         Waterproofand Stays so long

Holika-Holika Jewellight eyeliner (-)
  • -         I screw upwith pencil sharpner, the intensity of this product makes it difficult tosharpen. (If u don’t be careful enough, the eyeliner will broke and fall outanyway) that’s happen to me. ;(
  • -         It’s so hardto clean it off. LOL

TonyMoly backstage eyeliner (+)
  • -         Easyapplication
  • -         Comes with alittle brush ( I usually use angled brush than this brush,  but this brush is OKto use for draw in your eyeline)

  • -         Theconsistency is soft. I love it, since that means it wouldn’t dry out so fast.(since it happens with my last gel/cream-type eyeliner)
  • -    Waterproof

TonyMoly backstageeyeliner (-)
  • -         It smudge,but only because I didn’t use any eye primer and my eyes is teary.

Holika-holikajewel light eyeliner stays for a very long time, and less smudge than TonyMolybackstage eyeliner. I use TonyMoly eyeliner more often, because I’d love todraw the line with my own creativity, since it’s hard to glide on the pencilliner (holika-holika eyeliner) to your eyes while u want to make some angledeyeline or catline in your eyes (more hard if your pencil liner is not sharpenedwell).

P.S. I would findout both of this eyeliner work awesome and great if I use some eye primerinstead. And put on some loose powder on the eyeliner itself, and the bottomeye (just a little might be enough) when the eyeliner smudged easily. U don’twant to be looking too dry on your eyes-area. Since it would be make dimensionthat u had wrinkle..!

My rating forTonyMoly backstage eyeliner: 4.6/5
My rating forHolika-Holika jewel light eyeliner: 4.7/5 *thumbs up for the longgggg stay*

- Daisy -

Review Innisfree green tea pure skin

I love innisfree products. My first cosmetic I used was innisfree. And I had a lot great experience with it. My first bb cream was from innisfree (it’s when I suffered a lot of severe acne). I was very insecure, so I loaded a very big pile of innisfree bb cream. And I not dissapointed by the result. It way my lucky charm instead. (Oh and I use trouble bb cream from innisfree, that time the package was in pale pink)

I always curious about trying innisfree green tea skin care line. I found this little baby more suited for me since it is more affordable than the other lines. ;( Student life.

So yeah. This is the chosen one,
I have tried this product for a week, and I love the way its only need a very little sized pea to use for all over your face. The consistency is a little bit dense. Maybe that’s why I don’t need a big pile over to use on my face. And it has something like, a little soft-particle-salt feeling-like on it, It not really salt. It just hard to find my way to describe it more closer to the object as possible. (I’m sorry my bad).

U know honey consistency..? It is a little alike with this product. But thing is, this product is more like lotion, but with a dense transparency consistency with a little particle on it. =) *fiuh*

I must admit, I found my skin clearer with using this in moderation. I don’t have any pimples even when I had my PMS! Whoa.. Isn’t it good?? But actually I was suffering with this one pimple I had yesterday. >__< U all know that kind of feeling, right? So here I had one advice got from youtube guru. Which she said, not to overthinking about the pimples, acne-whatsoever since it makes a great bad deal impact on your skin. And so I tried it a couple days ago, and I find my complexion was clearer. Like no pimples or acne~ So happy ^^ (but it might be some help of those product I use for my skin care each day too).

But I believe, positive mind has the biggest impact on your overall body health~include your skin!

So my rating for this product is 4.8/5
*since I must use all of this out to see for the full- result.

I would recommend this to all who had to avoid pimples to come along. And at the same time, get the moisturise effect on their faces^^

Thank you for reading ^^
God Bless~

- Daisy -


Okay, I bought it last month and that was because I was struct by the acne scar (yeah, around October I had a mere pimples and acne, so I think I need to cover up that imperfections with some concealer). Since I didn’t really use it much now. This concealer are great on eyes too. It doesn’t look to cakey on me. Just watch out for the amount you’d be use. Don’t use too much at the same time. Use it a little bit. Little by little. (if u need more coverage, I’d suggest this product) but be careful not to pile a lot amount of this concealer, it would be cakey on you by the time flies by~

I got the shade 21, and still kind of feeling that it is a little bit yellowish to my undertone skin. But don’t worry since it’ll absorb into the color of your skin more by time flies. There’s a darker shade, numer 23 if I didn’t get it wrong.

It has brush on it, and I actually always use it whenever I use this concealer ^^
Brush application seems more soft and natural, don’t forget to dab on it  by your fingers so it doesn’t show up to much as an concealer.

I heard that the ingredients was natural and I ♥ all natural things. Since when u use concealer, that might be mean that u have a flaws, by having a flaws mean that ur skin has an experience with acne, and u don’t want to make it worse with thick cosmetics and wrong product like concealer that would clog your pores.

I ♥ the fragrance it has. Smell so like baby-feeling. Like fragrance we usually smell for baby talc-powder. For some of you who would’t like fragrance on their cosmetic, or had some severe alergic I don’t recommend this.

And I know the feeling for being insecure and need to cover up all the flaws we had. I understand, that’s why I would recommend this to all of you who need to cover up flaws, since it cover very greatly (trust me). Just don’t forget to clean your face and the brushes up after use it so long in a moderation. And remember don’t use it too much. Anythings that is too much isn’t good.

So this is my birthmarks, and I try to cover it with missha signature extreme  cover concealer:


And..tada~~ its covered smoothly didn’t it..? I only use my finger for application here. (my brush hasn’t cleaned >__<)

Good Luck..
God bless..
And thank you for reading ^^

- Daisy - 

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Review Tony Moly Berry Berry Magic Lip Tint #2 Green Apple

Hello Everyone.. it's me again,soojung. ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Benda selanjutnya yang mau gw review adalah lip tint dari tony moly. 

Tapi sebelum itu gw mw curhat dulu soal lip tint etude gw. Hiks
Lip tint etude Fresh cherry tint yang bulan-bulan kemarin gw review sekarang ga bisa dibuka teman-teman. 
\( `.∀´)/ SOOOO DAEBAAAAK.. 
Kenapa? Karena sering bocor dan meleber kemana-mana jadi di sekitar tutupnya kering dan mengeras. o(╥﹏╥)o
Udah ga ada yang bisa buka ini lip tint.  Berbagai cara udah gw coba,dari direndem di aer anget,pake tang,diglundung2,dibanting-banting,diusap-usap,dicium-cium,ditajong. Ga ada yang mempan satupun. 
Hopeless..... Haruskah gw buat sayembara? "Sapapun yang bisa buka lip tint gw kalau itu ce gw kasih 1 paket princess etoinette,klo co gw jadiin pacar merangkap supir *ups* "  Tentu ga mungkin. Hanya sebuah lip tint. Hanya sebuah lip tint yang gw pake tiap hari dan cocok banget ke bibir gw. o(╥﹏╥)o
Beli lagi? Hhhhh... Ga begitu niat untuk beli lagi. 1. Karena gampang meleber   2. Takut terjadi tragedi lagi

So.. gw beli lg lip tint baru. Yang ga cair,yang ga gampang bocor dan gampang dibawa-bawa.
Pilihan gw jatuh ke tony moly berry berry magic lip tint ini 

Lip tint ini unik karena bisa berubah warna dari warna hijau jadi warna merah atau pink ketika terkena suhu tubuh. Packagingnya mirip lip balm dan bertekstur gel. Kurang higienis karena kalau ga punya lip brush harus pakai tangan. Tau kan tangan kita ga mungkin sangat2 bersih. <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Bentuknya mungil jadi gampang untuk dibawa2. Ga mungkin bocor karena ini padat. 
〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

Hijau dan transparant.. Nice color.. (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Yang paling gw suka adalah wanginya. GREEN APPLE saudara-saudara. I'M APPLE MANIAC..~  (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
Sweet Fragrance... i want eat them.
Lalu gimana waktu lip tint ini di tangan gw?

It's sheer pink and look like little glossy.
Little bit sticky on my hand but it's fine on my lip. 

Keliatannya gw kurang banyak pakainya jadi cuma keliatan di tengah bibir aja. hwhwhw
Tapi bisa liat kan di tengah bibir gw,warnanya pink kemerah2an. Kadang2 warnanya bener2 merah.
Sejauh ini sih gw suka dan gw pake tiap hari. Selain ga sticky (semua lip tint ga sticky di bibir),lip tint ini ga terlalu bikin bibir gw kering. Hampir kaya lip balm juga jadinya. Satu hal yang bikin gw keganggu adalah gw sekarang harus beli lip brush buat lip tint ini. Gw ga bisa selamanya pakai tangan. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Dan menurut gw bibir g lebih cocok pakai warna oranye.
Oh iya harganya juga sangat affordable. You can check. 
Lip tint ini tahan di bibir gw seharian kalo ga dipake makan..tapi kan ga mungkin gw ga makan..hwhw..
Sekian review dari gw..
See you.. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

- Soojung -

Review Innisfree Eco Safety Daily Sun Block SPF35 PA++

Good Morning eveyone.. ^^
Happy Sunday..^^

Hari ini gw mw ngereview produk innisfree lagi..hehhehe.. i love innisfree (●´∀`)ノ♡

Innisfree Eco Safety Daily Sun Block SPF35 PA++

Organic sun flower oil and Jeju organic green tea water certified by EcoCert protect your skin from UV rays.
It is abosorbed quickly and makes your skin fresh and moist.
Fermented yeast ingrediendts protect your skin from outside stimulation like ozone, harmful materials.
It excludes paraben, artificial coloring, artificial fragrance, mineral oil, ethanol, raw animal materials, benzophenone.

As usual,produk-produk innisfree selalu pakai bahan-bahan dari alam untuk produk mereka. That's why i love them so much.  
Dengan SPF 35 gw pikir cukup untuk gw pakai sehari-hari,apalagi belakangan cuacanya ga begitu panas. SPF 35 artinya sunblock tsb bisa memberikan perlindungan dari sinar matahari UVB sebesar itu. Kira2 sekitar 6-8 jam. Tapi untuk perlindungan full nya harus dioles lagi tiap 3 jam. repot ya.. 
Sedangkan PA ++ artinya kekuatan sunblock tsb untuk melindungi kita dari UVA.
Jadi kalau  menemukan sunscreen dengan label SPF dan PA (baik PA+, PA++, atau PA+++), produk tersebut menawarkan perlindungan dari radiasi UVB dan UVA. Sama seperti SPF, semakin banyak tanda “+” pada PA, semakin tinggi tingkat perlindungan sunscreen/sunblock tersebut terhadap radiasi UVA. Nah apa bedanya sunscreen sama sunblock? 
 Sunscreen, sesuai dengan namanya, berfungsi menyaring (screen, filter) sinar ultraviolet. Artinya, sunscreen menyerap sebagian radiasi ultraviolet dan mengurangi radiasi yang berbahaya untuk kulit. 
Sementara sunblock, sesuai dengan namanya, berfungsi memblok atau memantulkan sinar ultraviolet. Sunblock memiliki kandungan zinc oxide atau titanium dioxide yang berfungsi memantulkan radiasi UV.Jadi bagus pakai sunblock atau sunscreen? Kayanya kalau ini tergantung kulit kita masing-masing dan kegiatan sehari2 kita,menurut dokter sih kalau sunscreen tidak disarankan untuk kulit sensitif karena mengandung bahan-bahan kimia yang tidak ramah untuk kulit sensitif.Namun dibandingkan dengan sunblock,sunscreen meresap ke dalam lapisan epidermis dan lebih melindungi kita dari UVA,tapi sekarang ini banyak produk yang menawarkan sunblock dengan perlindungan UVA seperti sunblock innisfree ini jadi ga usah khawatir.( sekarang rata2 sunblock udah ada PA + tapi jarang yang mengandung bahan alami dan bebas dari bahan2 berbahaya).(─‿‿─)


Packaging nya simple. Warna kuning dengan motif bunga matahari. Isinya 50ml,ga trlalu banyak menurut gw.  Ga terlalu besar juga jd bisa dibawa kemana2. (^▽^)

Sunblock ini warnanya seperti kebanyakan sunblock,putih tapi waktu diaplikasikan ga akan jd whitecast. Wanginya kaya lotion keponakan gw yang masih balita. hwhwhw. Ga menyengat dan wanginya enak,wangi khas bayi. Sunblock ini ga begitu lengket dan hanya kengket pas pertama diaplikasiin dan akan ilang setelah beberapa menit. Menyerap dengan  baik ke kulit gw tapi agak susah waktu mau ngeratain ke sekuruh wajah.
Pertama kali pakai sunblock ini gw pikir ini cuma sunblock biasa yang ga akan ngaruh apa-apa sama make up gw,tapi ternyata ini sunblock bisa juga jadi base make up yang luar biasa. (lebay) d=(´▽`)=b
Kalau pakai ini pagi-pagi sebelum pakai make up base yang lain,make up gw seharian jadi fresh dan ga kusam-kusam sampai sore. aaaa.. amazing..O(≧∇≦)O
Ditambah muka gw juga jd lebih ga berminyak dari biasanya. hehehehehehe
Sunblock yang bener2 multifungsi dan banyak manfaatnya. 
O(≧∇≦)ODan gw suka kandungannya,ada green tea nya.. hehehehe...

Sekian review dari gw.
See you..
- Soojung -

PS : Bulan ini bakal banyak review produk dari deasy jadi keep reading our blog ya.. Setelah UAS kita pasti posting lebih banyak. 