Minggu, 29 September 2013

Nestlé FITNESSE 14 Days Challenge ~

Hello everyone..^^
Few days ago i got a package from Nestle Fitnesse.. XD

Because this time was indonesian blogger event so i won't use english.. :)
Beberapa minggu lalu gw mendaftar untuk jadi salah satu blogger yang mau mencoba produk baru dari nestle..Waktu gw baca produk ini ditargetkan untuk orang-orang yang ingin berdiet gw langsung excited dan mendaftar. Badan gw sebenarnya ga bisa dibilang gendut juga,tapi ada beberapa bagian yang sangat-sangat mengganggu.. Para wanita pasti tahu..PAHA DAN LENGAN ATAS.. (well,ada lagi sih satu lagi..taulah ya penyebab paha bisa besar). Semakin lama diliat semakin bikin miris T___T
Semua wanita pasti ingin badannya bagus berbentuk s line dengan paha kecil dan tangan kecil. Apalagi melihat idol-idol korea yang badan dan kakinya bagus,aaah bikin iri deh kadang-kadang (kadang-kadang??). 

Waktu gw liat muka gw,gw merawatnya dengan baik dan gw sangat-sangat bahagia dengan keadaan sekarang. Tapi muka terawat bukan satu-satunya hal yang bisa dibanggakan wanita. Mari kita bicara jujur,berapa pria sih yang cuma liat muka tanpa melihat badan? Dari beberapa survei,yang pertama dilihat pria ketika jalan-jalan di mall bukan paras wajah wanita tapi kaki wanita..Ketika kaki dan badannya bagus,semua pria akan melirik. Selain itu berat badan yang ideal dapat membantu wanita menjadi lebih cantik. Tidak ada lemak di bagian wajah maka wajah akan semakin tirus. 

Jadi ingat drama korea "Prosecutor Princess",gw lupa nama pemeran wanitanya siapa tapi gw inget ceritanya. Disitu diceritakan kalau si pemeran wanita dulu sangat gendut tapi karena ibunya merasa anaknya semakin gendut karena patah hati maka dimulailah diet gila-gilaan ala drama korea. Makan cuma salad sayur-sayuran tanpa dressing,olahraga siang dan malam,ga ada hiburan dan dilarang keluar rumah sampai benar-benar kurus. Sedikit ekstrem tapi mungkin itu benar-benar efektif menurunkan berat badan. Yang paling menarik dari cerita itu,si pemeran utama langsung jadi wanita penuh percaya diri dan efek negatif yang tidak patut dicontoh adalah jadi shoppaholic. 

Banyak dari wanita di dunia pasti mengalami hal yang sama..berat badan kurang ideal,ditolak pria yang dicintai dan segera memulai niat mempercantik diri. Tapi apakah benar untuk mencapai berat badan ideal harus sampai diet se-ekstrem itu? Tentu tidak..Sekarang mungkin yang sedang tren adalah diet OCD. Makan hanya boleh dalam jangka waktu beberapa jam dan sisanya puasa. Untuk gw pribadi,gw ga terlalu senang dengan diet semacam ini. Berat badan turun bukan karena kelebihan lemak terbakar secara alami melalui olahraga dan aktivitas melainkan karena badan kita dipaksa tidak makan pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Mungkin benar,tidak makan waktu malam pasti bisa membuat berat badan turun. Dengan makan dalam beberapa jam dan sisanya puasa pasti kalori yang masuk juga tidak terlalu banyak. Tapi apa semua orang sanggup dipaksa tidak makan secara teratur? Sangat tidak disarankan buat penderita maag akut. Dengar cerita sana-sini,ada yang sampai masuk rumah sakit karena maag dan kurang makan. -.-
Dengar cerita dosen yang tiba-tiba ikut diet OCD ini juga agak mencengangkan,dari kebiasaan sehat makan sarapan pagi dengan susu dan buah-buahan ke rutinitas tidak sarapan. Alhasil saat mengajar kelaparan dan jadi mudah emosi (tentu semua mahasiswa menolak dosen tersebut diet OCD,karenadapat mengganggu kelancaran proses perkuliahan kalau dosen tersebut mulai emosi karena lapar). 

Lalu seperti apa itu diet yang benar?
Kira-kira 1,5 tahun yang lalu gw berusaha untuk diet,karena berat badan gw sudah melebihi batas normal. 61 kg untuk tinggi badan 155cm. Indeks BMI gw waktu itu 26,06 (wow tanggal ulang taun gw) Overweight.
Kalau sekarang sih masih di angka 24,35.Masih aman tapi di pinggir jurang. :(
Balik lagi ke 1,5 tahun yang lalu..ingat ada obat diet yang namanya acai berry? nah karena gw masih polos maka gw mulai mengkonsumsi obat ini sekitar 2 minggu. Memang turun 3 kg tapi akhirnya gw sadar obat itu berbahaya. Maka gw beralih ke diet sehat berdasarkan golongan darah. Golongan darah gw A dan disarankan jadi vegetarian.

Mulailah gw melakukan hal-hal ini :
- Makan 5-6 kali sehari dengan jadwal menu seperti ini :
Jam 7 pagi : Sarapan dengan roti gandum isi ceres atau 2 telur rebus (tanpa kuning) + Selada
Jam 10 pagi : Buah-buahan atau susu soya
Jam 12/jam 1 siang : Nasi 3 sendok + ikan/dada ayam rebus + sayur-sayuran
Jam 4 sore : Buah-buahan atau susu soya
Jam 7 malam : Salad / Susu diet dari salah satu merk
- Minum air minimal 2,5 liter per hari
- Kalau habis makan nasi,gw selalu berusaha jalan-jalan bolak balik di sekitar rumah atau kampus
- Olahraga aerobik atau dance sendiri di rumah selama 1-2 jam per hari
- Ga mengemil,ga makan daging,berusaha sekecil mungkin makan pake bumbu.
- Selalu bawa permen karet,kalau lapar makan itu
- Waktu makan sebisa mungkin ga lihat tv atau lihat internet (apalagi acara tv tentang makanan, Forbidden)

Dengan melakukan hal-hal tersebut jadilah gw turun 6kg selama 1,5 bulan. Cukup berhasil bikin berat badan gw jadi 52-53kg. Sayang hal itu cuma berlangsung 3 bulan karena tiba-tiba kampus gw diserang virus hepatitis a. Semua mahasiswa harus makan teratur buat menjaga kesehatan. Dan gw terpaksa makan seperti biasa lagi supaya ga kena virus tersebut. Anehnya walaupun temen baik gw yang ampir tiap saat ketemu kena hepatitis a,gw ga kena sama sekali. (bangga punya imun tubuh kuat)

Lalu sekarang naik lagi jadi 57kg..ha.ha.ha.ha

So.. sekarang gw mau mulai lagi rutinitas sehat di atas.. Tapi untuk makan pagi dan makan malam diganti pakai Nestle Fitnesse. ^^
Nah sekarang kita bahas produk ini.

" Nestle Fitnesse adalah sereal sarapan rendah lemak dengan gandum utuh yang dapat membantu kamu mendapatkan tubuh yang ideal melalui Nestle Fitnesse 14 Day Program"
Nestle Fintesse ini :
- Rendah Lemak
- Terbuat dari gandum utuh
- Mengandung Kalsium
- Mengandung serat

Produk ini pasti mengandung serat tinggi karena terbuat dari gandum. Serat dari gandum dapat membuat kita merasa kenyang lebih lama dan membantu melancarkan pencernaan. Selain itu gandum memiliki kalori yang jauh lebih rendah dari nasi serta mengurangi kadar gula darah dan kolestrol dalam tubuh. Makanan berserat tinggi tersebut juga terbukti membantu kita terhindar dari kanker, karena mampu menghancurkan toksin di dalam racun yang merupakan cikal bakal terbentuknya sel kanker. 

Mereka mengirimkan 2 box berbeda rasa. Hmm..gw rasa satu original dan yang satu ada kandungan buah-buahan (Nestle Fitnesse & Fruit).
Informasi Nilai gizi :
Takaran Saji : 30g
Kalori : 110kkal
Lemak : 0 g
Serat : 2 g

Takarang saji : 40 g
Kalori : 140kkal
Lemak : 0 g
Serat : 2 g

Selain mengganti makanan biasa dengan produk ini,diet harus juga disertai olahraga teratur. Dan olahraga yang dapat dicoba bisa (diambil dari : http://fitnesse.sahabatnestle.co.id/public/fourteendays)

Produk ini bisa kalian dapatkan untuk sementara di supermarket atau hypermarket di Jakarta,Denpasar dan Bandung. Khususnya di Carrefour dan Ranch Market. Harganya juga cukup terjangkau.

Seperti ini sereal di dalam Nestle Fitnesse & Fruit. Ada serealnya dan potongan buah-buahan kering. Lebih praktis dari yang original karena kita tidak perlu menambahkan buah-buahan sendiri.
Tapi jika kita tidak terlalu menyukai buah-buahan kering semacam ini bisa diganti dengan buah-buahan kering yang tentunya lebih banyak mengandung vitamin.

Sebenarnya gw bukan orang yang suka makan sereal bersama susu putih tanpa rasa. Tapi rasa produk ini jauh lebih baik dari sereal yang pernah gw makan dulu di satu hostel di Singapura. Yaa..kadang-kadang kalimat "Beauty is Pain" harus dipakai di saat seperti ini,harus ada motivasi buat melawan sesuatu yang kita tidak sukai untuk mencapai tujuan.

Sejauh ini gw masih rutin makan sereal ini setiap pagi dan malam,ditemani salad sayuran atau ikan rebus/bakar. (Walaupun kemarin lupa lagi diet dan makan seblak basah T___T )
Karena baru dicoba 3 hari jadi belum ada perubahan signifikan sama berat badan gw,jadi untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan atau ngga kita lihat 2 minggu ke depan. ^^

See you in next post ^^

- Soojung -

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Innisfree Color Glow Lipstick #10 Review

Hello Everyone.. ^^
On second post for today i want share my new lip product.
Again,it's from our favourite brand Innisfree. On my Fall Wishlist i already said that i want this product and now it up in my hand. XD
Innisfree Color Glow Lipstick 

- Creates enriched color with just one touch.
 - Moisturizing glossy texture crates sparkling lips. 
- Contains soft melting wax to fit smoothly. 
- Camellia oil creates protection veil to lips to create healthy lips. 
- Lovely fragrance of Cymbidium orchids in Jeju. 
- 3 Free System (Animality, talc, and benzophenone)

There's 10 different color that you can choose. Best pick color are number 3,6 and 7. 
But when i search some review on their official website,many people choose number 6 and 4. 
And now i think i want to get number 6 too..hwhwhw.. i already got a lot orange lipstick and only have one red lipstick. And now dark red burgundy become hot color for autumn.

Smaller than i expected,but it's much longer than usual lipstick. 

I choose number 10,orange color. Summer already passed and i still love orange color. 

The color is so pretty. Rather than orange it's more like coral peach. 

Creamy and glossy. Very soft and like a lip gloss or lip balm with pigmented color.
Before this one,there's creamy tint lipstick which have more matte finish and little bit dry. So if you want glossy lipstick,choose this one. And if you want matte finish and long lasting color,choose creamy tint lipstick. When i erase this swatch,i found that it also can be use as pretty blusher. XD

 The packaging are made from plastic and very simple.You can see the actual color on the bottom.
About scent,i'm not sure what kind of scent is this. According to product description,it has fragrance from Cymbidium orchids in Jeju. Very mild. When i accidentally lick it,it has sweet taste.

Again,i'm really sorry for my dry lips. My lips get worse lately.
I hope this lipstick can help my dry lips since it contains camellia oil. You also can find camellia oil on their lip care product.
The color isn't show well on these 2 pictures,i plan to take better picture tomorrow.
Overall it's a quite pigmented coral peach lipstick. 
I have a bunny lip gloss bar from tony moly that have similar color as this lipstick,but that one never looks pretty on my lips. You also can control the strength of color.The more you apply it,more color you can get. It's very moisturizing,very glossy finish without feel sticky. Bad thing about glossy lipstick is not long lasting,but since it's very easy to wear i don't really mind. Natural color for my daily looks.
About the price,quite pricey..12.000 won or around  IDR120.000 - 140.000.
I like it but i want different color. :p

Final Score
(it's just because i want different color. Not because the quality)

See you in next post..^^
- Soojung -

New Base Make Up from Innisfree

Hello everyone.. ^^
After take a break yesterday,I feel more better now.. :)
So..what's for today?
Today i want share new product release from innisfree.. I think they really know what the most anticipated product by their customer. Beside their skincare,innisfree are known for their great base make up. Start from their bb cream,mineral melting foundation,concealer,no sebum powder,and the recent trend,cc cream and cushion. From last week they release 3 new base make up.. 2 of them is cc cream and there's coming soon product Mineral Melting BB cushion. As a big fan of innisfree,of course i want try all of them,especially their bb cushion.. XD
Let's start introduce these 3 lovely baby..

The first product that come out last week is Innisfree Serum CC Cream Brightening.
It's contain 65% Moisturizing Serum. I guess it's made for people with dry - normal skin,since it's provide glowy finish and have a lot moisturizing serum.  And of course it will give brightening effect.
Then few days later,there's come out another version of this cc cream
Innisfree Serum CC Cream Cover
It has less moisturizing serum than brightening (52%) so we will assume that it's for people who have combination - oily skin. Combination and oily skin have problem with acne prone skin and must be have blemishes,for those problems this cc cream provide more coverage. Many cc cream that i know just have sheer coverage,so i hope this one give us more coverage with a lot skincare benefit.

They give some tips how to use their new base make up. First if you want one tone up, you can choose between Brightening and Cover. Second,if you need two tone up,mix those together to achieve bright glowy flawless finish. Then if you really need cover up all your imperfections,mix cover or brightening with their bb cream (i'm not sure that air skin fit or othe bb cream).

Next one is Innisfree Mineral Melting BB Cushion. I really excited to try out this bb cushion. Now,cushion base make up has became new trend after cc cream. Many brands have their own cushion,whether it cc cream/foundation/bb cream. As i said earlier on my fall wishlist,i have seen this product last month and i keep waiting for this one. But i guess because both innisfree and etude house are brands from Amore Pacific,they don't want release similar product at the same time.
This product still can't be purchased at this time. But they already released the pictures.

5 in one : Make up,Sebum Control,Cooling,Sun Block,and Whitening. The most interesting function for me is Cooling effect. You know that i also want aqua cooling cushion from Tony Moly and now i don't have buy it if i can feel cooling effect too from this bb cushion.  I want all of them but my budget only allow me to buy one.. T___T
Now,which one do you want? Share with us.. ^^
- Soojung -

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Tony Moly Floria Whitening Capsule Essence (Sample) Review

Hello everyone.. It's Soojung.. ^^
I'm back after 3 weeks not write anything.. I'm really sorry.. :(

I have a project for system analysis class and i'm very excited to work with that..so i don't have time to write some post..i'm really sorry  :(
Today i take a break because i'm not feeling well,and some people made me upset yesterday..when i'm mad,i choose to stay silent and stay away for a while until i forget..i hope tomorrow i'll feel more better.. 

Anyway my mini haul will arrive this week so i will write new product review very soon.. ^^

Today i only have this little sample from tony moly..
What's this?
It's not a new skincare item from Tony Moly,but it's sure a best seller product from their brand..You also can see this product on Get it Beauty ( I'm addicted with this program). Most of review says this product was not special,almost no effect on their skin..but i'm still curious with it..and luckily i got a sample to tried out..

Tony Moly Floria Whitening Capsule Essence

Pearl Powder Enriched amino acid, natural minerals diminish the appearance of dark spots, freckles to prolong resilient skin and be against skin aging.
Evening primrose oil Highly moisturize skin, leave skin soft and moisture with forming a protective layer on skin.
White Flower Complex A cosmetic complex from petals with concentrated vitamin delivers potent antioxidant benefits. (cherry blossoms, rape blossom, dandelion chrysanthemum, pansy)
Suitable for women in their 20~30s, for all skin type, for immediate whitening and moisturizing. White flower and natural pearls' whitening, moisturizing properties offer clear glowing white watery skin.
Special whitening line includes patented ingredient, Kombucha, and water lily extract with antioxidant properties to bring back healthy, clear skin
Photo will coming soon,i'm too lazy to upload with this condition.. :(

Result on my skin :
- I just feel it brighten my dark spot a little bit.. i use this for 3 days and it's work on my recent dark spot. 
Maybe my dark spot will disappear if i use it more longer..But i don't want buy it in full size,i still have soybean enegy essence..and they do the same job..
And i feel that few skincare sample works better than the full size.. it's like marketing strategy i guess.. if you like the sample,then you'll buy the full size..But after you buy the full size,it's not work as good as the sample..
- Feel light like other essence.. not sticky and hydrating my skin.. 
- Smells nice

I guess that's all for today.. i like to sleep right now,i need a rest..
See you on next post.. ^^

- Soojung - 

Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Innisfree Green Tea Pure Cleansing Foam Review

Hello everyone.. This is third post for today.. φ( ̄ー ̄ )ノ
( today,i write all day long..after this i should write my brief self description for bnt girl and i don't know how describe my passion T.T )
Now i will share my new cleansing foam from innisfree..
i have 3 innisfree product left that i have to review for you guys..I hope you not tired to read innisfree product review again and again.. ><
So for today is Green Tea Pure Cleansing Foam..

You guys might be already know about this cleansing foam,since this one isn't new cleansing foam from innisfree..

"This Mild Cleansing Foam cleanser contained with jeju organic green tea moisturizing,antioxidant ingredients and kaolin washes off not only make up residue but also soft facial hair impurities with it's refined and foamy lather as it helps to create a fresh and clean skin" 

Formulated with Jeju organic ingredients

Provides moisture and creates bright skin
Removes dead skin cells and sebum clearly

Natural Ingredients : 88%

Green..green..green.. i like green.. go green..ヽ(○´∀`)ノ♪
I love the packaging..
it's totally looks eco friendly..it blends well with green plants and my bedroom wallpaper. It also made from eco friendly plastic..

Main Ingredients 
Glycerinas a means of improving smoothness, providing lubrication and as a humectant. Cleansing foam that use this in their ingredients are mainly used by people with sensitive, easily-irritated skin because it prevents skin dryness with its moisturizing properties. It draws moisture up through skin layers and slows or prevents excessive drying and evaporation.
Camellia Sinensis : you can say this is the green tea. Green tea can reduce sun damage. Green tea appears to exert sun damage protection by quenching free radicals and reducing inflammation rather than by blocking UV rays. Prevent Skin Cancer. Rejuvenate Skin Cells.Sooth Acne And Lighten Skin.
Kaolin : kaolin can help cleanse, purify, heal, soothe, nourish and tone all skin types. The best thing is that it is cheap and free from chemicals. It is an excellent skin care treatment as it helps control sebum production, the major contributor to oily skin. The clay helps in regenerating and mineralizing of the dry areas, leaving your skin smooth and glowing. Kaolin clay is effective for keeping premature aging signs at bay. The mask adheres to oil, dead cells and blackhead, thereby preventing the build-up of unwanted facial features.
(takes from various source)

You can see,it's white cream cleansing foam. I made ​​a mistake when making the hole to expend the product. Too small and makes me suffering when i want to use the product. I should makes a  new hole. (☞゚∀゚)☞

I took it out a bit and make a little foam. As you can see, does not make a lot of foam like other cleansing foam that i had tried before. You just need little amount for whole face. And usually i use this along with etude wonder pore brush. Even i use brush,the foam still that much.

Many cleansing foam will makes our face so dry and almost take all sebum and moisture that we need. Some people may assume that drying effect was a sign that your face has been cleansed. Well it maybe true,but it's not healthy.Even if we have an oily skin type,takes all sebum is not the best way to cleanse our excess oil. My friend who works in a rural area in Borneo,few weeks ago suddenly contacted me and ask about skin care product that she should use in those condition (hot and hard to find good skincare product). She said that her cleansing foam makes her skin dry and she can't take it anymore. And she said,she use one of local brand cleansing foam. From the name of brand i can say it must be because they're use a lot detergent on their product. This can cause acne for people with sensitive skin. I suggest her to use other  local cleansing foam,since it's hard to deliver korean product to her in such condition. But after she come back from Borneo,i will give this cleansing foam to her. This cleansing foam is very gentle and there's no drying effect after i cleanse my face. When i use daily make up which is not too thick,i just use this cleansing foam + toner for cleansing all make up. It's cleanse my face very well and also provide moisture for my skin. Also it's give instant brightening effect.
For scent,i love the scent..it's fresh and very calming. (´ω`♡%)
For price,i think all cleansing foam from innisfree are quite expensive if we compare with cleansing foam from other brand. But since i got this when innisfree made a big sale,it's only 4200 won. Very cheap. On local online shop now,it's start from 80.000 - 95.000.

Final Score

See you in next post. ^^
- Soojung - 

Tony Moly Luminous Live Aura CC Cream (sample) Review

Hello everyone.. ^^
Next product that i want to share to you guys is a cc cream sample from Tony Moly called Tony Moly Luminous Live Aura CC Cream. As far as i know Tony Moly have 5 kind of cc cream now,

Tony Moly Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream
Tony Moly Luminous Live Aura CC Cream
Tony Moly Luminous Aura Capsule CC Cream 
Tony Moly Luminouse Bright Aura CC Cream
Tony Moly Aqua Aura Cooling Cushion 

What's the different from each cc cream?

I'm not sure about the result of each cc cream,but if i see the texture,packaging and the color..they are slightly different,especially the luminous series..

 Pure Aura color is pearl white with powdery finish,Line Aura color is more pinkish than pure aura (many people says this one is for normal - oily skin) and the texture more light (not powdery at all for me),Bright Aura is similar to Live Aura but with yellowish color (i guess it's for warm skintone,asian skintone), and Capsule Aura is the combination of pure aura and live aura with some more benefit (10 in 1, all-in-one cream (Sunscreen, whitening, wrinkle repair, blemish cover, healthy radiance, complexion correction, nutrition, moisturizing hydration, offers luminous aura, makeup long lasting power). 

And for the most recent cc cream, Aqua aura cooling cushion..we can see clearly what's the different with luminous series. Aqua Aura Cooling Cushion is made for the summer time, when the skin temperature becomes so high and people can be more sweaty than usual. Then cooling make up became a trend. This cc cream was claimed can change our skin temperature 4 degree cooler than usual. You also can watch "Son Dam Bi Beautiful Days" for know more detail of this product. When i see the result,i can say this cc cream provide more coverage than luminous series and very suitable for hot days. 

Back to live aura sample that i got.  I can describe the packaging since it's only a sample.

You can see its pinkish and more runny than pure aura.

It feels so light and same with pure aura,it makes my face looks more dewy. I don't need a high coverage foundation/bb cream/cc cream lately,since my face become so clear. (happy..XD)
I love use this cc cream for daily make up,it's light and very long lasting. Especially when i have to attend 3 classes until 6 pm. I don't have to touch up my base make up when i use this cc cream. About oil control..i think it's about 6-8 hours,if i don't do any exercise like walk fast to my class or using stairs from semi basement to 7th floor. Also because my skin turn into normal skin type,my excess oil was in the minimum level.
When i go home and see the mirror,my face still bright and no dull face at all. Quite impressive. XD
No breakout for me. And if i'm not wrong,it have 7 free system like pure aura.
I'm gonna buy the full size. <3

Final score
5/5 !! <3

Peripera Peri's Tint Milk #1 Milky Pink Review

Hello everyone..^^
I'm back with another review for this week.
I'm sorry if it's take so long for us to make a new post every week. Since this semester,i don't have any class on Friday and Saturday so i always write new post on the weekend.
Today i will review a product from other brand beside innisfree..since we already wrote a lot innisfree product review,i guess you guys will get bored..So today is peripera product.. ^^
Peripera is known by their nail polish and lip product..they're cute and very feminine..Personally,i like my make up have a cute print,transparent with flower detail or sparkling like crystal (i want jill stuart product.. T.T). And peripera makes their product's packaging like that,so it's naturally attract my eyes.
The one that i bought is their Peri's Tint Milk.

I choose the pink one.. i can't use pink lipstick but i still have hope on lip tint,since their color more intense and still suit my skintone. Pink makes me looks feminine and more pretty. I start to like pink color on my lips.XD 

For packaging..It's very cute but if we compare with other peripera's product,it's quite plain i guess.
I hope this one won't be like my etude fresh cherry tint that can't be open anymore. T.T
Hmm..but i think it's more safe than fresh cherry tint. 

Then how's about the color? It's hot pink actually..but don't worry..it will turn to natural color when it applied on lips. 

About the texture,it's kind of milky consistency and more glossy than peri's tint water.
I can't describe the scent. I'm bad at describe scent,but i guess it's like strawberry?artificial sweet scent. I don't really like it.
And this is how it's like on my lips. 

Sorry for my dry lips.. :(
One thing that i didn't like from liquid lip tint is making my lips more dry and flaking. I love the color and i use this lip tint almost everyday. But when i'm bored in class,my hand can't stop flake off my dry lips. I had to buy a new lip balm immediately before my lips become more pitiful.
This lip tint is not easily erased even after eating or drinking, it's still leaves a pink mark even after 7-8 hours. (if i don't flake off all dry skin)

For the price, this is the cheapest from peripera lip tint. You can get this lip tint on korean cosmetic online shop.

(+) Pretty natural pink color. Suitable for daily looks
(+) Long Lasting
(+) cute packaging
(+) Affordable
(+) Not Easily leak and won't spilled everywhere

(-) Makes my lips dry
(-) Have artificial sweet scent

Final score

See you in next post. ^^

- Soojung -